
This provides a single directive, jsonschema:

.. jsonschema:: ../_build_schema/components.json

Required: Path to the JSON Schema file

You must pass the path to the JSON Schema file to the widget.

.. jsonschema:: ../_build_schema/components.json

Option: include

You can pass the optional setting include.

.. jsonschema:: example_schema.json
   :include: id,name,age/actual

Only the keys listed will be shown.

Option: collapse

You can pass the optional setting collapse.

.. jsonschema:: example_schema.json
   :collapse: age

If passed, then any schema below the passed key will not be shown.

Option: pointer

You can pass the optional setting pointer.

.. jsonschema:: example_schema.json
   :pointer: /properties/address

You can use this to only show a section of the JSON Schema - in this case, only the section underneath /properties/address will be shown.

Note the key here is the key is the key in the JSON Schema not the key in the JSON data. This means you can pass keys like /definitions/Address.

Option: nocrossref

You can pass the optional flag nocrossref.

.. jsonschema:: example_schema.json

By default, if an item has a $ref property then some text will be added to the Description with a link to a HTML anchor.

If you don’t want this, pass this flag to disable this.